Thursday 3 March 2011

Graphs and evaluations on questionnaire

I asked this question because I thought it would give me a good idea of why people actually buy a magazine. The results show that 50% of people buy magazines because they like the person on the front, and 50% are interested in the cover stories. This tells me that on my front cover of my magazine I should include a picture of a singer and cover stories of what the magazine is going to include as I know from doing audience research this will attract my target audience.

 This graph tells me that 50% of my target audience look for interviews in any magazine that they read. 20% look for stories, 20% look for gossip, 10% look for music and nobody looks for images. This tells me that when making my music magazine I should focus more on the layout and writing in my magazine rather than using lots of images to attract my audience as I know this isn’t what catches there eye. I could include an interview on my double page spread then put gossip on my front cover so my audience will want to open my magazine and read it.

 I left this question an open question to see the amount of variety I got. My graph shows me that only 30% of my target audience enjoy reading music magazines the most. Whilst the other 70% enjoy reading magazines not related to music. However this tells me the style of magazine people enjoy reading such as the other magazines are to do with celebrity and gossip, therefore in my magazine I could include gossip about a singer which means I am including things people like although it’s a music magazine not an everyday magazine.

This question shows me straight away that 70% of my target audience enjoy reading interviews with famous people the most. Only 30% enjoyed reading stories and nobody liked reading about gossip. Since interviews was the most popular I will include an interview on my double page spread as I know this attracts a wide range of people therefore my magazine would be interesting.

 Front covers are a huge part to a music magazine as this is what attracts an audience to read it. This graph shows that 80% of my target audience enjoy images the most on a front cover and this is what makes them want to pick it up. Only 20% thought cover stories attracted them to a front cover, therefore when making my front cover I will focus more on the images rather than the writing and make my front cover more image dominant as I know this is what my target audience liked. Nobody said bright colours attracted them therefore I will make my colours darker and not so bright as I know nobody likes this.

This graph clearly shows that my results are 50/50. 50% like the contents page to be blocky style whilst the other 50% like image dominant. This tells me that I can do a bit of both throughout my magazine as I know my target audience like both. I could include more images on one page but make another page blocky to give more variety.

 This question tells me a lot as I will be able to find out what type of music genres my target audience enjoy the most. My graph clearly shows that 50% like R&B the most, followed by 30% enjoying Indie music, 10% like Pop and 10% like Rock. This tells me that I should make my music magazine more related to R&B music and maybe add a little bit of Pop as these two genres are similar and I know 60% of my target audience would enjoy this. I do not listen too Indie or Rock myself therefore making this magazine wouldn’t attract me or 40% of my target audience.

This graph shows me that 40% of my target audience like Rihanna the most, Rihanna is R&B/Pop therefore this fits well with the type of magazine I want to make. 10% liked Lady gaga which is another R&B/Pop singer. However the other 50% liked Indie bands, this tells me that even if I made my magazine R&B/Pop 50% of my target audience would be interested in reading it.

 This question tells me that the most popular colour scheme people liked was black white and purple. 40% liked black white and navy the best and 10% liked black white and grey. This gives me good advice as colour scheme is an important thing to consider when making a music magazine as this is a main element that attracts an audience. The colour schemes I have thought about are all dark colours therefore I would have to make my pictures and other text a bit brighter to attract my target audience rather than making it all dark.

Presentation and layout is a main thing to consider when making a music magazine as there is so much to include it needs to be presented well. My graph shows that 40% liked it spread out, 40% liked it organised and 20% liked a messy/wild look. This tells me that when making my magazine, at least 80% want it to look tidy rather than wild and all over. However I will probably make my magazine organised rather than spread out as I think it looks more professional and presentable when it looks tidy.

 The image on a front cover of any magazine is essential as it’s what attracts the audience to read it. Therefore asking this question was very important to give me inspiration on what to include on my cover. 80% wanted to see a certain singer on the front, 10% wanted to see a band and the other 10% wanted to see a celebrity. However a celebrity would not appear on the front cover of a music magazine as the main image. Since 80% wanted to see the main singer this would be good to include one main person on the front cover as I could take a variety of different pictures with different angles to give it a different look.

A double page spread is an important page to put in a magazine and has to look presentable for someone to read. My graph shows that 70% of my target audience would like to read an interview on a double page spread of a certain artist. 20% said they would want to read about gossip, 10% said they would want.

This question tells me the most popular type of article my target audience would want to read. 50% said they would like to read about celebrity gossip, 30% said they would want to read about new music and the other 20% said they would want to read about new bands. This tells me that for my music magazine I should include an article/interview on celebrity gossip or new music as I know this is going to attract my target audience.

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