Friday 18 February 2011



1. What makes you buy a certain magazine?

  • The person on the front
  • The cover stories
  • The colour scheme

2. What do you look for in a magazine?

  • Stories
  • Gossip
  • Music
  • Interviews
  • Images

3. Which magazine do you find most enjoyable to read?

4. What types of things do you like reading in magazines?

  • Interviews
  • Stories
  • Gossip

5. What do you like about front covers?

  • Lots of images
  • Bright colours
  • Stories

6, How do you like the layout of contents pages?

  • Blocky style
  • Image dominant

7. What type of music do you listen too?

  • Indie
  • R&B
  • Pop
  • Rock

8. Who is your favourite band/singer?

9. What colour schemes do you find interesting?

  • Black, white and purple
  • Black, white and grey
  • Black white and navy

10. How do you like everything presented?

  • Spread out
  • Organised
  • Messy/Wild look

11. What image would you expect to see on the front of an RNB/Pop magazine?

12. What would you prefer to read about on a double page spread?

  • Interview
  • Gossip
  • Music news
  • Article

13. What type of article would you enjoy reading on a double page spread?

  • Celebrity gossip
  • New music
  • New bands

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