Tuesday 22 February 2011

Vibe magazine analysis

Vibe magazine keeps the same sort of theme throughout so the audience who enjoy reading Vibe can easily relate and identify the magazine. The main title ‘vibe’ is in bold and in yellow font and it almost takes up half of the A4 page which stands out and attracts customers. Another thing which Vibe magazine keeps the same is the image. Most of the time there is just one main image on the cover of a famous celebrity, with usually a close up of the artists face or sometimes, like this magazine it is a mid-shot of Ciara’s whole body. Most magazine covers have a large image of the artist looking directly at the camera which maintains eye contact immediately which creates a relationship between the magazine and the reader as they feel involved in the magazine. The image of Ciara giving direct eye contact creates a certain look which intrigues and intimidates the reader which will maybe make them want to open it and read more. The main features of the magazine are placed all around the image of the artist. The text is written in different fonts, all different shapes and sizes which suggest the magazine has lots of variety in it and not seems all the same.

The contents page of Vibe seems to crease the same layout as the front cover and also other issues of Vibe magazine. However it has a different colour scheme to the front cover. The whole page is set in black and white but there is a sense of grey/navy too it. The contents page has a blank background with a grey/dull colour too it which gives the sense that the writing and images are more important than colour and isn’t taking away all the focus. The word ‘Contents’ is written on 3 lines creating an unstable sort of look but still look original and new. The list of the features of the magazine have been placed in the bottom right hand corner of the page with page numbers in bold so they can be easily seen but the writing in normal font. The artist who appears on the front and the artist who appears on the contents and double page spread will be similar which links all the pages together well and allows different poses and the pictures too all be different.
The double page spread from Vibe magazine focuses directly on a R&B genre. The colour scheme used throughout the double page spread is quite plain just like the contents page. It uses dull colours in the background and the background images using only black, white and blue. However by just using these dull colours makes the double page spread appeal to both a male and female audience and by doing this can be an advantage on increasing the fan base of the magazine. The girl on the double page spread is wearing an orange/red dress with high heels. This image doesn’t use dull colours however uses the total opposite and uses bright colours compared to the background which suggests the image is more important than everything else. From the artist wearing a colourful dress enables her to stand out the most as well as her name being written in the headline before the text in bright blue so the reader knows straight away who she is. The two pages are different in terms of layout as the first one had 3 columns of lots of text compared to the second page where there is only one column and a small quote since there is a huge establishing shot almost dominating the page.

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